Company History

est. 2005

Since 2005, uKit Group has been creating innovative web solutions for B2B, helping businesses to develop effectively on the Internet.

70 M users

total audience of uKit Group products

100 + countries

ukit Group services are available in key world languages ​​and are in demand all over the world

Offices in 4 cities

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Baku (Azerbaijan). The staff consists of more than 70 people

Our Team

Evgeniy Kurt

Managing Partner of uKit Group
Co-founder of the company, since 2007 - managing partner of uKit Group. Oversees the work of all products and the search for new niches and markets.

Irina Cherepanova

Product Director uKit Group
With the company since 2008, responsible for the development and work with the audience of flagship products - RuSender, uKit.

Ivan Kolpakov

Chief Technical Officer
Heads a research group that implements innovative technologies into the company's product line.

History of development

Media kit